Friday, August 29, 2014

Overrated Songwriters: Jim Morrison

A series of paragraph-long articles about Overrated Songwriters (in my opinion) I begin with Jim Morrison.

The most criminally overrated songwriter in the entire history of music! All that pseudo-intellectualism…long winded paradoxical poetics and lyrical profundities abstract with depth, esoteric in their complexities! Bullshit! Jim Morrison wrote meaningless jibber jabber with no sense of comprehension because he wrote for effect rather than meaning - a pantomime of rhetoric as arrogantly grandiloquent and superficial as the man himself. It’s been well documented of how he lacked any redeeming qualities. He was egotistical, obnoxious, cruel and immature. A man who drank heavily and approached drug taking in the same manner. The Doors weren’t a good band because of him, they were a good band in spite of him! Morrison once said ‘. I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!" Then- whoosh, and I'm gone...and they'll never see anything like it ever again... and they won't be able to forget me- ever’ That’s the self-worshipping clap-trap of a wanker! He embraced the 'rock god' persona by exaggerating his talents. He hid his lack of intellect behind a constant carousel of over-the-top behaviour and attention chasing immaturity! The Doors last public performance with Jim Morrison was at The Warehouse in New Orleans on December 12, 1970. During the show, Morrison appeared to have a  mental breakdown on stage slamming the microphone numerous times into the floor until the stage was destroyed. He then sat down on the ground and refused to perform for the remainder of the show! May I finish by saying that he was far too arrogant and big headed to ever fake his voluntarily remove himself from the public eye for ever is an act he wasn't humble enough to even consider.

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