Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Playlist: The Music I Shared My Teenage Years With.

Our teenage years are that section of the journey between 'departing childhood' and 'arriving at adulthood' where you are slowed to an eventual halt with delays expected to be lengthy, melodramatic and at times too overbearing for the tenderness of human fragility. No longer travelling, but now 'in transit' and in that 'neither here nor there' position is how you are to remain until normal service has returned, the journey resumed and the final destination gloriously arrived at. The time spent in this transient termination can sometimes run beyond what may be considered acceptable. And what once had a destination seems now to be wildly infinite, flippant, volatile, fucking frustrated, a gigantic self-destructive imbalance that constantly see-saws your spiralling emotions - because you're a dickhead anyway and if ever a dickhead deserved see-saw emotions then you're THAT dickhead - that FUCKING dickhead. But if you share your teenage traumas with pretty decent songs then it's a walk in the park, innit guvnor!

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