Monday, December 03, 2012

Whole Sky Monitor: Album Review

Whole Sky Monitor
'Twisted Little Piggies'
Cargo Records

You really wont find better this year

Bury me deep without my brain, where all is fake and all is fame. Twitter your tears and blog your blame, where grief and love and shit’s the same’ sings John Parkes on ‘Freakshow’ the blistering opening track of this gloriously spasmodic and raucous second album from Whole Sky Monitor. They will be the victims of this decade’s biggest ever injustice should they not now earn the nationwide recognition that’s so glaringly deserved. Forget the ‘Leeds best kept secret’ label they currently posses, they’ve multiplied in creative size since those days and are easily in danger of becoming constrained by a territory that might never accommodate such glorious stretching of wings. This post-punk/indie/classic rock hybrid with dissonant stabs of dirty gothic and new wave is a focused noise brilliantly executed at every turn. The music they make is so stirring and individualistic it would make John Peel’s play list had the great man still been around to appreciate it. Listen to the barbed combination of sound and wordsmithery on songs such as ‘Sold’, a torrid guitar/drums vitriolic swipe laying the blame of our current political climate at the feet of Thatcher’s detrimental reign… ’cheap lager, glue culture, principals of a smacked down vulture’ . The raw punk aesthetics of ‘Abusive’ with it’s crashing percussion, stop/start guitars and simple but effective ‘I’m abusive’ chant chorus and ‘My Regeneration’ a new wave anthem that wouldn’t look out of place on any Jam album pre-1978. From cynical observations to intelligent points of view encased in some of the greatest music you’ll hear in a very long time Whole Sky Monitor have gave us a brilliant work of art and laughingly exposed the ‘difficult second album syndrome’ as nothing to be scared of - if you’re as good as this band that is. You may not know it now but you will, one day soon, go to extraordinary lengths to have their music in your lives. Trust me. They’re the find of the year.

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